Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

List 25 things
  1. The way that white BLONDE girls talk.
  2. When people try to be something there not
  3. The way that this certain person acts
  4. When someone lies to me and i know they are
  5. When my hair dosent go the way i want it to go
  6. clowns ehhhhhhhhh!!!!!
  7. When people take advantage of you
  8. When people take your stuff with out asking
  9. when people ask you to give them something when your using it
  10. when people try to act hard
  11. when i have to clean my room
  12. when i want to go somewhere but i have to wait
  13. When people get mad when your loose something that is not worth nothing
  14. when people are nosy
  15. when your boyfriend gets mad over a rumor thats not true
  16. When i want to go somewhere i want but i cant lol
  17. when i dont eat crunchy curls
  18. when my parents go threw my stuff
  19. when my brothers go threw my phone
  20. when i go shopping and i cant find what i want
  21. when my dog gets in my bed
  22. when im sick and cough alot
  23. i HATE it when they call NICK JONAS gay!!!!!!!!lol
  24. When they guys are nasty
  25. i hate when people talk crap but they only whisper it and dont say the truth when you go up to them
  26. When i cant eat chocolate
  27. When i get Cramps


  1. i really like yours but you have to change 16 becasue you wrote kind of the same thing.

    I agree i dont like when boys act nasty!\

