Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Make Logandale Better

What would make logandale a better school if the Students didn’t have to wear uniform. If We would be able to go to more field trips and visit different places. Also if the school provide more sports for kids to play if they gave more time for them to play.

The Students don't like wearing uniform because sometimes they probably have no white shirt to wear.They have more color shirts or color clothes or sometimes they can't wear it because is too low cut.Then the principal is going to write them up and scream at them And if kids knew that in logandale you could wear anything you may like to wear there going to want to come here so they could wear what in there old school they can't wear.

The Students also like if the schools had filed trips so they could visit new places.They would like to go to field trips because most of the time he filed trips invole something fun and exiting that they could learn that teaches them something New and logandale dosent have alot of field trips but if they did and kids knew that they have field trips they would be exited to come to logandale so they could go on field trips

And also if the school provided sports for the kids to play then they would like to come and play the sports that they like becuase everyone loves sports and they have different like in sports and if there school dosent have what kind of sport they like and logandale has more better sports than does other schools and if they got the sport that the person likes then they would most likely choose this school they would transfer to this school to play the sport that they enjoy the most.

In conclusion I think if the school had those things the kids don’t have to wear uniform and school to take them to more fieldtrips and them having to play more sports and for a long time the kids would like to come to this school if the school had that an more stuff they would be leaving there old school and they would like to move to this school.

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