Tuesday, May 12, 2009


  1. They tougth they wore taking a shower in water but it was actually gas.

  2. The Ghettos tried to separate the jews away from the non jews.

  3. Some of the Ghettos wore only there for a few days some wore there for more than a month or so.

  4. In 1933 the Jews population of Europe was at over 9 million.

  5. 6,000 jew were gassed each day.

  6. a million or more jews and ten of the thousands of the roma pole were killed by Novermber 1944.

  7. Before the war had began the Nazis forced labor on the Jews Civilians.

  8. The Nazis look for more ways to kill the people

  9. 2,700,000 Jews died by poison gas or by the Germans and police shooting them.

  10. The Nazis created killing center for mass murders

    11.The largest killing center was Auschwitz which by spring 1943 had four gas chambers

12.In hungray the ghettos didnt begin till the 1944.

13.During the holocaust ghettos were a central of the Nazis control and the mass murder of the Jews

14.During 1933 and 1945 Nazy Germans establish 20,000 camps to put millions of victims

15.The millions of victim establish in the Nazi camps wore abused.

16.Only a small amount of people that wore in the Nazy camps survived other died.

17.After the Holocaust many of the survivors found shelters.

18.They to see who will live longer.

19.The younger they wore the better chance they had of living.

20.They cut the girls hair and they made them dress and look like boys.

21.They raped and murder the Jews.

22.If the children wore no good they killed them

23.Even before the war began the Nazis imposed force labor on the jewish

23.The German required Polish Jews to live in the Ghetto.

24.At the end of the war millions of the people who wore not germans wore left in germany.

25.All Jewish and Polish males perform in a unpaid labor.

26.Some of the woman were leaders and or members of the Ghettos

27.Millions of woman were persecuted and murder during the holocuast.

28.children over 12 were used as labors or subjects.

29.The Nazis advocated killing children unwanted or dangerous groups.

30.In the Ghettos Jewish children died of startvation.

31.children wore killed in concetration camps.

32.most of the deportees who arrived at the camps wore sent to death in the gas chambers.

33.The SS considerd the killing center's top secret.

34.The grounds of some killing centers wore camouflaged to cover up the murder of millions of people.

35.They found 14,000 pounds of human hair.

36.They killed the homo sexuals

37.The divided the groups the one who worked and the other who they killed rigth away.

38.They had different kind of things for each race to wear.

39.Blue and gray with the P on it it meant they wore polish.

40.people that were in prison were abused.

41.The SS managment and the Germans killed more than 3 million people.

42.some of the people were shot in the back of their head.

43.They walked the death march.

44.while they wore walking it many of the people died of hunger and cold.

45.it didnt matter what age they wore they still killed them.

46.in the spring of 1943 they had four gas chambers.

47.the people that wore force to do a labor they would die faster.

48.they made them do embarrising things that they didnt want to do.

49.Jews wore not able to own their own buisnesses.

50.on agust 4 1944 was the day that they found anne frank and her family.